In a world full of BUSY, it is important to be intentional about REST.
Rest is necessary for good health, yet it is commonly overlooked. With busy as our new norm, we are pushing our bodies at a record pace.
What if we changed our thinking about rest and purposely scheduled breaks into our calendars? Below are three tangible ways to make rest a priority in your life.
1. Create margin in your life.
It took years for me to learn that I needed to have chunks of white space on my calendar where nothing was planned. In the past, I would schedule every minute of the day. Then, when unforeseen circumstances like a flat tire, traffic, or a sick child would arrive, I was sent into a frenzy. Can anyone relate?
By having these pockets of free time in my schedule, I could take up a last-minute offer to take a meal to a family that needed help or read longer with my kids at night before bed. The constant pace of busy slowed down with this extra time in my schedule. As you plan your week, I challenge you to add margin on your calendar. It is life-changing.
2. Recognize signs that you need more rest.
Even with margin, there will be weeks when we live at full capacity because of Holidays, family birthday celebrations, our jobs, or unforeseen circumstances. It is important to recognize signs that you need more rest when this happens. Listen to your body. I know I am pushing myself for too long when I start to feel it in my throat, and my whole body is fatigued when I wake up in the morning. This is a sign that I need to go to bed early the following evening and get more rest.
Another sign for me is laundry. I can gauge my busyness by whether my sons and I are digging through a heap of clean clothes to find something to wear versus whether they are clean in our closets. Some weeks in life will be busier than others, so remember to recognize the signs, listen to your body, and get the proper rest before you are completely laid out sick.
3. Learn to say No to good things, so you can say Yes to the best thing.
One of the most important lessons I have learned is that you cannot do everything. Sometimes you have to say no to something you enjoy in order to say yes to something even better. It is important to prioritize your time. For me, my kids get top billing after my time with God. I want them to know that they are the most important to me, and I show that to them with my intentional time. What gets your top billing? I encourage you this week to exercise your “no” muscle.
Friend, it is time to replace BUSY with REST.
Praying today we can be more deliberate with our schedules. Remember Rest is definitely your Best Yes!
Love, Jodi Rosser
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