Have you ever felt unsure about your parenting? Have you ever doubted a decision or struggled with giving a consequence?
Honestly, this happens frequently at my house. If you lack confidence as a mother like me, I want you to know you are not alone.

Parenting is the most rewarding job and the most challenging job, all at the same time.
When we hit those challenges, those bumps in the road, let me offer you three truths to stand on during those difficult parenting days.
1. God handpicked you to be the mother of your children. (Psalms 139: 13-14)
God chose you of all the people in the world to be their mom. He knows your similarities and differences, yet He paired you together. He knows what triggers you and frustrates them and still thinks you make a great fit. If you are doubting yourself, remember that God chose you to be their mom.
2. God gives you His strength when you are tired and weak. (Isaiah 40:31)
Being a mom can be tiring. Do I hear an Amen? In my season of raising teenagers, I feel the most tired when I need to follow through on a consequence. If I am completely honest, sometimes I want to give in just to keep the peace. But when I think about my goal to raise responsible and respectful kids, sometimes my best yes is to stay the course. If you are feeling alone, remember God is strengthening you.
3. God offers you His wisdom when you ask and pray for help. (James 1:5)
Prayer is so important in parenting. I don’t know how many times I have prayed for wisdom and help when unsure of what to do. God is always faithful and gives us answers, whether through a friend’s wise counsel, bringing to memory something recently learned, or a scripture verse. My hope is that together as moms, we will see an increase in our prayer life as we raise our kids.
Being a kid today is so different than when we were kids. With technology at their fingertips, they are growing up with different challenges than we ever had to face. Putting ourselves in their shoes and trying to see life from their perspective is truly a gift we can give them.
Dear God, please help all the moms who are struggling today. Give us wisdom and discernment on how to parent our kids. Help us offer empathy and understanding as we truly listen to our kids’ perspectives. Remind us how You have handpicked each of us for the special and important role as mom. In Jesus’ name, amen.
[…] To read the final truth, please click this link to the Growing Moms in God’s Word website. […]